Map of Apple Watch fitness apps and data

You have your Apple Watch and/or activity tracker or sportwatch and  now you want to know how to connect all those apps that are piling up on your watch and phone. Here is the beginning of a map that shows everything as follows:

  •  Heart rate sensors on the left (you can still attach them to an Apple watch to save watch battery and get higher quality HR signal)
  • watches/bands/scales that contain more sensors
  • Watch/iPhone apps that collect the data
  • Vendor sites (initial landing points)
  • Integrations between that first app and other partners as well as a view into a sync engine called Tapirik.

This is version 1.0. There are lots of holes and I don’t have the sync direction data in here with arrowheads but it gives a first view into how you can capture data, move it through Apple Health, get it up to a first site and then integrate that data across multiple sites.

Click on the image below to see it full-screen. Once it’s full-screen you can right-click and save to your desktop for reference.

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